Tim Carter

Technical Director & Head of Innovation

Tim is NIAXO’s Technical Director, and Head of Innovation, providing the strategic direction and technical horsepower for NIAXO’s innovation capability, NIAXO Labs.

With over 15 years’ experience as a seasoned software and data engineer, Tim has worked on individual services to support bespoke applications, designing the right architecture for the job, as well as transforming requirements and outputs from highly complex data science processes and programmes into accessible and consumable products for all users.

As a member of the Alun Turing Institute’s Knowledge Graph Interest Group, Tim has a passion for defining, searching, and structuring knowledge, using the foundations of the Semantic Web.  Using these core concepts, this helps to bring cohesion, and understanding around organising and using data, and innovative tools to exploit them.  He is recognised as an expert in data representation and knowledge dissemination and is currently helping to co-author a report for UNESCO focused on the use of data and knowledge sharing, and attendant platforms, to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals.